
Introduction to natural color-changing stones: alexandrite, fluorite, diaspore, corundum and garnet.

一魚兩吃不奇怪? 一石兩色人人愛❤
黃光 白光 紅變綠? 變色寶石看不厭✨






Color-changing stones are becoming popular in Taiwan market. When a stone shows different hue(2 grade in hue chart) under fluorescent Light or incandescent light, it is called a color-changing stone. Except for alexandrite, fluorite, diaspore, sapphire and garnet all have color-changing variety. Fluorite is famous for significant color change; diaspore usually appears weal to moderate color change; sapphire with significant color change is valuable; garnet has a wide range of color change and may change color as is alexandrite. Though alexandrite is the king for color change gemstone, the degree of color change is key to its value. Even if a alexandrite is certified, weak color change may be a fatal flaw for consumers.

五種變色寶石,上至下依序為螢石、水鋁石、變色剛玉、變色石榴石與亞歷山大石 Five species of color-changing stones from top to bottom: fluorite, diaspore, corundum, garnet and alexandrite.

表為五種變色寶石的變色效應與鑑定性質特徵 Color change and physical properties of five color-changing stones

變色明顯程度以色相變化階數示之 Degree of color change is defined by steps of hue change.